Meadow Day October 29
by Teri Biancardi,
The Meadow Management committee is pleased to announce another Meadow Day, Saturday, October 29th, at 12PM. Come hear about the pending stream restoration, and how it is being promoted as a model project for Riverside County’s watershed management. Be there for the unveiling of the new, master plan for the our meadow’s restoration, and learn about the Americorps team who will work on our land for six weeks, all in the name of service to the community.
We have fabulous speakers on cutting edge subjects that all touch on Meadowview, your back-yard.. The event is free, come and hear about the exciting things happening in your neighborhood!
Speaker line-up: (times approximate)
12:00 -12:20: Grasslands and greenhouse gasses: California’s new energy policy
Dan Noble, Executive Director, Association of Compost Producers
12:30 -12:45: Meadowview’s milestone stream restoration: a first for Riverside County
Stuart Mckibbon, Chief of Watershed Protection Division
Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
12:45 - 1:00: Working with Nature to Heal the Harm
Tory R. Walker, PE, CFM, LEED GA, QISP
Stream Restoration engineer
1:30 - 2:00: Restoring the meadow: a comprehensive land management plan
Kevin Muno, Ecology Artisans
2:00 - 2:15: A team on the ground: Meadowview’s service minded volunteers
James Griffin, Americorps
2:15 - 2:40: The state of the meadow: where we are and where we’re going
Kurt Campbell, Wildlife Biologist and Meadowview resident
We’ll also have a native plant sale, and compost education (and goodies) from Riverside County Department of Waste Resources (to be confirmed).