Honorable Maryann Edwards, Mayor,
Honorable Council Member Dr. Matt Rahn, Mayor Pro-Tem
Honorable Council Member Michael Naggar
Honorable Council Member Jeff Comerchero
Honorable Council Member James Stewart
Subject: Altair Disposition
At the Nov. 15th, 2017, planning commission meeting, a disturbing decision was made to rubber-stamp the adoption of the proposed Altair housing development. The Commissioners ignored the basic quality of life arguments and even the legal irregularities that make this site untenable.
Among my many concerns are:
· Too dense, including a 5-story apartment house;
· Old Town becomes wedged in between the freeway, homes and another freeway destroying its tourist appeal;

· Clogged intersections at Rancho California Rd., Winchester, Ynez, etc.

· Wildlife crossing degradation with more trespass, trails, and Nature Center;
· Ignoring requirements of the Multi-species Habitat Conservation Plan and the Fish and Wildlife Agencies;
· Escarpment and green-hill destruction making Temecula into an LA suburb
1. Base Case: no development at the proposed site according to the presently assigned Zoning;
2. Redesign the presently submitted Altair proposal using a lower density development;
3. Change to 2-lane, not 4-lane, Western Bypass that accommodates reduced density and is located lower on the hillside;
4. Implement minimum human impact from the development outside the Western Bypass boundary, particularly on the civic site and Village G;
5. Redesign the proposed facility to protect the wildlife corridor and I-15 wildlife crossing that includes barriers, law enforcement and conservation of the civic phase parcels without trails, structures, etc.; a minimum human impact.
The Altair development is beautiful as shown on paper, but it doesn’t fit in the proposed western slot of land. The environmental impacts, degradation of the quality of life and diminishing resources in Temecula precludes our City Council accepting the presently proposed ALTAIR development plan.
Pam Nelson, Chair Sierra Club, Santa Margarita Group