Saturday, September 14, 2019


The Oxfam organization revealed in 2016 that the 1% richest people on Earth possess more wealth than the other 99% taken together. Yet, this 1% possesses not solely the wealth but they also control Humankind path and right now these guys are taking the human species towards the precipice. These guys like Trump, Bolsonaro but also the Oil Industries which controls incredible amounts of money (enough to brainwash a lot of people through Public Relation action) and this while their business is to sell the poison that is killing our common Mother the Earth. In 1968, the Stanford Research Institute warned the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the U.S. government, that if nothing was done our global CO2 emissions would generate a cataclysmic upheaval in the 21st century. Not only nothing was done and these guys kept hidden the information, but on the top of that, both the API and the U.S. government spent billions of dollars in a worldwide campaign denying a manmade Global Warming was underway. And in 1997, the U.S. government based on this lie its refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. After the very shy attempt of Obama which was much under IPCC requirements, the Oil Masters decided it was too much and they hired Trump who, thanks to Cambridge Analytica was elected President of the United States and resumed the Oil Industry program denying a manmade Global Warming is underway. But Trump is not alone even though his position as President of the leading country renders his betrayal of the human race very dangerous. The 1% of Humankind which controls the situation, or some mere 75 million people, roughly does not suffer from Global Warming, at least not yet, and they see their personal material interest and comfort first. This is why the grassroots movement that supports Nature must rapidly grow and become an overwhelming tsunami that will neutralize these guys. Indeed, we will succeed ONLY if we break the fragmentation, potentially conflictual; our frontiers represent and behave as ONE, UNIQUE, PEOPLE, no matter our nationality, religion or other differences. The Global Warming and the 6th Mass Extinction of LIFE on Earth, both plagues we have generated and continue feeding, can be controlled ONLY if humans put their divisions aside and work side by side as one body and under the guidance of the IPCC scientists who are the ones among us who know the best.
I think that symbolically people who want to have the “Earth Nationality” should be able to get it. Their passport would be delivered by the United Nations and would work everywhere. Indeed, we must displace our nationalism from a little portion of the Earth to the whole Earth because it is our divisions that are destroying the only and common HOME we have to survive in the universe. Our planet, the Earth is worth this change and our survival as a species is also worth this change. A new era is waiting for us don’t be afraid of the change. “All things must pass,” said George Harrison a forgotten prophet. So, let’s leave this obsolete system that destroyed the Earth. Yes, if the system has turned toxic to LIFE then let’s not fanatically cling to it, LIFE is more important than the system by which we pretend about living. A huge revolution or better said, a huge re-evolution is awaiting for us and it is truly thrilling guys! What I propose here may seem crazy to some people enclosed into their thought-identity like in a straitjacket, and addicted to their habits like to a powerful drug, but what is truly crazy is to remain arms folded why we are systematically destroying our world and endangering our own survival.

Posted on Facebook by
Yima (Ali) Pahlavi
September 14, 2019