Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Meadow Day October 29, 2016

Meadow Day October 29

by Teri Biancardi,

The Meadow Management committee is pleased to announce another Meadow DaySaturday, October 29th, at 12PM. Come hear about the pending stream restoration, and how it is being promoted as a model project for Riverside County’s watershed management. Be there for the unveiling of the new, master plan for the our meadow’s restoration, and learn about the Americorps team who will work on our land for six weeks, all in the name of service to the community. 

We have fabulous speakers on cutting edge subjects that all touch on Meadowview, your back-yard.. The event is free, come and hear about the exciting things happening in your neighborhood!

Speaker line-up: (times approximate)

12:00 -12:20: Grasslands and greenhouse gasses: California’s new energy policy
Dan Noble, Executive Director, Association of Compost Producers

12:30 -12:45: Meadowview’s milestone stream restoration: a first for Riverside County
Stuart Mckibbon, Chief of Watershed Protection Division 
Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District

12:45 - 1:00: Working with Nature to Heal the Harm
Tory R. Walker, PE, CFM, LEED GA, QISP
Stream Restoration engineer

1:30 - 2:00: Restoring the meadow: a comprehensive land management plan 
Kevin Muno, Ecology Artisans

2:00 - 2:15: A team on the ground: Meadowview’s service minded volunteers
James Griffin, Americorps

2:15 - 2:40: The state of the meadow: where we are and where we’re going
Kurt Campbell, Wildlife Biologist and Meadowview resident

We’ll also have a native plant sale, and compost education (and goodies) from Riverside County Department of Waste Resources (to be confirmed).

Professional investment advisor Scott Smith: How to Invest in Socially Responsible Companies

Thursday September 8, 2016

Sierra Club members and friends…you can help save the world by investing wisely in the Stock Market according to our guest speaker at our next General meeting Thursday September 8. 

Professional investment advisor Scott Smith will be with us to tell us about investing in socially responsible companies that do not abuse or pollute the environment.  After graduating from college Scott worked for several investment firms. He now owns his own company, Conscious Investment Management, that helps people learn about investing in stocks and bonds and funds that support a green economy. Scott is a frequent guest lecturer at the University of Redlands and is on the board of the U.S. Green Building Council, Inland Empire Branch. 

Our main program will be followed by a summary of what's ahead for our local Sierra Club group including upcoming hikes and other activities we have planned. 

Our meeting starts at 6 PM at the Temecula Public Library on Pauba Road.  An informal social half hour will be followed by the General Meeting at 6:30 PM 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ex-Com of Sierra Santa Margarita Group: Refreshed and ready to go

The ex-com members of Sierra Santa Margarita Group and interested members worked hard at the pool in Laurie-David Webster's house. Those attended were:
Pam Nelson, Laurie Webster, Margaret Meyncke, Michael Momeni, Jim Mitchell, Fred Bartz, Ray Johnson, Teri Biancardi, Bob Audibert, George McMackin, Caren Hanson, Scott Smith, Elena Garcia. 

Don’t we all look so refreshed following our brief summer vacation.  Now, we are ready to work hard on our great tasks. 

The photos are courtesy of Fred Bartz.   

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Take a Bus to the BEACH!

Margaret Meyncke

August 4, 2016

If you have been thinking about traffic and air quality issues, now is the time to experiment with public

transportation. The Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) is offering expanded service on Route 202 to the

beach through September 5, 2016. Ride the bus from Walmart in Murrieta or the Promenade Mall

Parking Structure in Temecula to the Oceanside Transit Center. It takes about an hour to travel each

way. It costs adults $3 each way, but students in grades 1-12 are only 25 cents! Fill out a ticket and

enter to win a blue tooth device.

This convenient form of transportation is safe, clean, friendly, efficient, and affordable. publications/latest-news/item/770- beach-bus-


We must not stay silent at the cross-road of wisdom and foolishness

Michael H. Momeni, PhD
Environmental Nuclear Scientist
Charles Dickens (1859) wrote in A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair...” although I read the novel in high school, the author’s words still resonate true to our times.  We would despair if the rational mind would be displaced with the season of darkness.  I am an optimist; I hope for the best of future times.  Our progress in bringing rational steps toward progressive environmental protection should not be darkened by the despair of allowing those wishing to bring the “bad old days” back into our future. 

We are at the cross-roads of wisdom and foolishness.  We need to protect our environment from those who have exploited our natural resources and left behind mounds of radioactive contaminates, and once again wish to destroy one of our great natural heritages the Grand Canyon for uranium and other toxic materials.  We need to support the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Interior. Otherwise, we bring back the age of darkness where environmental scientists and environmentalists are replaced by political hacks with a sole desire to undermine our hard won progress in the protection of our environment. We have seen this darkness in resolute attempts to disable our protection of the environment during the nineteen eighties.

Let us hope that the age of wisdom will prevail.  We must not stay silent.

Please read:

  • "The Moab Tailings Project Site is located approximately 3 miles northwest of Moab in Grand County, Utah, and includes the former Atlas Minerals Corporation (Atlas) uranium-ore processing facility. The site is situated on the west bank of the Colorado River at the confluence with Moab Wash. The site encompasses 480 acres, of which approximately 130 acres is covered by a uranium mill tailings pile."

Grand Canyon Mining claims, courtesy of the Sierra Club

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Palomar Mountain State Park Hike

Aug. 6 (Sat) 9:00 AM "Palomar Mountain State Park Hike"

Palomar State Park Hike description. This is an eight mile Moderately difficult hike with just under 1000' of elevation gain\loss.   Most of the climbing takes place within a two mile stretch.  We will begin the hike at the Doane Pond parking lot and hike west along Done Creak to the historic Weir.  We then take the lower Done Valley trail through a beautiful meadow. Leaving the meadow we begin our climb through the pine and cedar forest to Boucher Lookout.  .  The lookout offers stunning views to the south.  We will trek through another deeply wooded section of this beautiful park back to Doan Pond, our starting point.    Please dress in layers and wear sturdy slip resistant hiking shoes.  Also bring a lunch or snack and two liters of water and don't forget the sunscreen. Directions: From Highway 76, either of two roads can be used to reach the park.