Monday, June 19, 2017

Call for Action: Cleanup of the area near the Interstate 15 Bridge at the confluence of Temecula Creek, Murrieta Creek and Santa Margarita River:

The following picture shows the region for the confluence of Temecula Creek, Murrieta Creek and Santa Margarita River:

The following link provides a detailed
description of some of the issues:

Managing wildlife passage requires several immediate practical corrections:
1. Cleanup the trash from the area; 
2. Install fencing both sides of the highway to guide wildlife to the bridge area;
3. Restrict public access to the area under the bridge by using barrier fencing. 

4. Clear bushes and trees near and under the bridge to increase visibility.

Step 1: Cleanup of the area near the Interstate 15 Bridge at the confluence of Temecula Creek, Murrieta Creek and Santa Margarita River:

Date: June 30 at 8:00 AM
Location to meetJack and the Box parking lot

29105 Old Town Front St, Temecula, CA 92590 near the western end  of the Temecula Parkway. 
What to wear:  Please wear appropriate shoes, work gloves, sun hat, long pants and full sleeve shirt. 

Please bring along cool beverage for your own consumption.

We will be guided by Pablo Bryant (SMER) to the site for cleanup.  Please confirm by June 26 if you will be assisting us in the cleanup by sending your confirmation to: 

Michael Momeni