Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Birds Space Out: Spatial Patterns Among Temecula Area Birds

Great Horned Owl:  come down and hear all about me.

Thu 6:30 PM

Speaker: Kurt Campbell on May 12th

Kurt has been a naturalist since the age of three when he wandered into an abandoned orchard by his parent’s home. He has been passionate about bird biology since high school. A native of California, he has traveled widely but remained focused on extensive study of the natural environment in his home state. He is self-taught in biology and his experience includes the nature tours and education business, teaching and writing about biology and environmental law for both technical and general audiences, and providing consulting biology services to a broad array of clients. He has spoken to audiences ranging from elementary schools to post-graduate seminars and has taught in venues including University of California extension and internal training for both large corporations and public agencies. He has lived in the Temecula area for the past 20 years and is now semi-retired, supporting the Meadowview Community Association in managing and restoring it's 380-acre open space.

Talk Teaser:
Kurt will illustrate many of the ways birds make use of land and water areas, from local to worldwide scales, with examples from the local birds of the area. These include territories and home ranges, seasonal migration, and other types of local movements. Kurt will also provide a brief, intuitive introduction to larger scale patterns such as population and metapopulation dynamics. These patterns will be addressed in the context of why they can be both crucial to and dependent on the health of our environment.

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