Tuesday, April 17, 2018

APRIL 2018 Fundraising

Sierra Club / Santa Margarita Group

Your local Sierra Club, the Santa Margarita Group, has chosen the month of April to make a special annual appeal for financial support that would apply to specific local projects and campaigns.  
As a Group of the San Gorgonio Chapter of the Sierra Club, we do not receive funds from the National organization and have to support our local projects and activities through our own fundraising efforts.
Below are some of the many activities we sponsor to engage YOU, our members, in exciting learning experiences. Most are FREE or require only a nominal fee.

Community Engagement    

·                   Monthly informational speakers   

·                   Outings- social activities and field trips 

·                   Hikes- led by experienced leaders for all abilities


·                   Creating a network of local educators, formal and informal,  called Stewards of Environmental Education and Discovery (S.E.E.D.)

·                   Classroom participation of hummingbird feeders and bird talks

·                   Partnering with Environmental Educators Collaboration to share information regarding  opportunities, projects, and funding

·                   Provide outings and field trips through our Meetup, called, “Outdoor Families”

·                   Tabling at events in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties

·                   Student internship program available to high school and college students through Mt. San Jacinto Community College

·                     Sharing information about clean energy and related issues

Local Habitat Protection

·                     Partner programs with the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve

·                     Watch-dog private and public lands for illegal land use


·                     Developing the Murrieta Creek Regional Trail


·                     Participating in T-Now meetings with Riverside Transit Agency

·                     Focus attention on developing an electric commuter train from Ontario Riverside to San Diego through the Temecula Valley

·                     Seeking ways to improve the local infrastructure of public transportation to alleviate traffic density, poor air quality, and provide an alternative to cars.

·                     Tree City USA project through the Arbor Day Foundation


·                     Supporting the effort to nominate the pallid bat as California’s STATE BAT.

·                     Supporting Federal, State, County agencies and non-profits in efforts to create a regional
 wildlife crossing system for I-15 and connectivity of wildlife corridors

·                     Discussing the use of open space and habitat preservation at City Council
meetings and with developers

These projects and MORE are entirely funded by your donations. We receive NO money from the National, State, or Chapter levels. We have no paid staff or overhead so we can put your dollars to use immediately!!!

These projects and MORE are entirely funded by your donations. We receive NO money from the National, State, or Chapter levels. We have no paid staff or overhead so we can put your dollars to use immediately!!!

These projects and MORE are entirely funded by your donations. We receive NO money from the National, State, or
Chapter levels. We have no paid staff or overhead so we can put your dollars to use immediately!!!

We’d love a contribution of $20, $35, $50, $100 or more. (Note: not tax-deductible)
Please write your check to Sierra Club, Santa Margarita Group today!
Send it to:
SMG Treasurer, 40335 Garrison Dr, Temecula, CA 92591.

You may also donate on our website using PayPal:  www.sierraclubsmg.org
If you prefer to give a tax-deductible donation, please make your check out to:
The Sierra Club Foundation / Santa Margarita Group

These funds will be directed to our Murrieta Creek Regional Trail project, our educator’s network “S.E.E.D”,
and educational projects.


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We are interested in your feedback.

Email: Michael.Momeni@yahoo.com